Thursday, November 24, 2011

Short trip to conclude my Thanksgiving shopping

First on all this experiment has been a fabulous one. I started this venture with my past Thanksgiving trips under my belt. Usually over $300-$400 for one meal alone. So will I cut the cost drastically as expected? Let's let the numbers be the judge.

First off. This is a holiday that God has shown his mercy. I know that might be cheesy, but things are hard this year. Everyone is in the same boat I know it. Well as I posted before my Father was getting this lovely natural organic turkeys wholesale. I planned to pay that amount [even though he is stubborn and probably wouldn't take it!!!] So he shows up with the most gorgeous birds I have ever seen! 3 glorious turkey breast one was the size of a small child I kid you not! Well I am father goes on to tell me the man charged him a whopping FREE! Can you believe how the grace of god works when you really need it? Needless to say after a long day fighting with my teenager I was almost in a fit of tears. I never doubt he is listening....I am just ever so blessed when he knows.

Now that I have shared that story off to the numbers!


2 Publix shopping trips [from prior post] $89.95

1 produce trip that I totally forgot to post! $18.00

Todays small shopping trip

Publix eggs 1.05

2 Alexia rolls bogo 3.69 -[2]1.00mq=1.69/.85each

4 Rodele Cheese bogo 4.59 = 9.18 -[2]2.50MQ- [2]1.00MQ=2.18/.55each

Total w/tax 4.92

So DRUMROLL please.....

Outstanding totals for thanksgiving dinner is.......................................................................................................................................................................



28% savings from prior years.

Of course this shopping trips were not only for thanksgiving but a bit more of household items! Still as yet I am extremely happy with this years budget. I did better than my budget of $150! Wooohooo!


  1. Em,
    You are truely a money saving machine!! I think I spent more than that on one trip to the store and I did not even make a whole meal! Oh man, that makes me look sooooooooo bad! I am embarassed to say! One day, I will get into the swing of things...

  2. Always glad to help! I will have to work with you on a goal! I know you have it in you to make it happen!!! I will just keep bugging you about good sales ;)
